Friday 24 February 2012


Today's recipie is Apam Lady Bird. Been trying to perfect my Apam ladybird for the 8th time.. Banyak masalah di hadapi.. hihihi... contoh...
1. Muka berjerawat(a.k.a belupak2 becoz of air bubble)
2. Not kembang( a.k.a bantat)
3. Karas (a.k.a kanyal) ( Belum ada solution) ( Found suggestion, from other blog, tuk kurang kan tepung supaya ia lembut. Will try next project.Insyaallah. UPDATED: KURANGKAN THE SUKATAN OF TEPUNG FROM 2 1/2 CUPS >>> TO 2CUPS +1 TBSP + 2 TSP

Solution( Maybe mujarab)
For 1. I use tepung Hong Kong instead of tepung gandum biasa, ,maybe ia tah my apam lots of air bubble.causing berlubang the end product. After using tepung gandum biasa, baru tah lawa.
For 2. Follow my cara di bawah krg. Me ikut cara most blog, that is masukkan semua bahan then di pukul.---  i think the telur inda kana bagi chance mengambang  if mix all together, hence apam bantat. This only my 2 cents lah.
For 3. The Apam using the recipe for me is a bit liat or kanyal, but if compare with yg di jual org at FB & di mana2 sedakah yg ku makan , sama plang rasa kanyal nya atu...

3 Eggs (From Fridge)
275g / << I use  2CUPS +1 TBSP + 2 TSP Tepung gandum
220g / 1 Cups Sugar << 1 use 150g saja.
3 tsp Baking Powder
1 Tsp Overlette
150ml Fresh Milk / Susu Cair
1 -2 Caps Vanilla Essence

Acuan Lompang & Papercup Mini

Filling (Apa saja idaman kalbu, or apa yg tedapat di esbok. ) & Pewarna of your Likings.

Beat the eggs, overlette & sugar hingga kembang about 5-7 mins. Then masukkan tepung , susu, vanilla, baking powder. Beat at high speed for another 8 min. Then divide the adunan according to color yg akan di pakai. As for me for ladybird i use 3. 1 plain , 1red & 1 Brown<< no black color, if ada, will be more lawa my apam ladybird.
For fillings, refer picture below.(I use kaya)

Note: Your Pengukus Panaskan sedia , before u masukkan your adunan dalam cupcake  cup, just the right timings. By the time siap for kukus, your pengukus will be boiling dah. Kukus your Apam  in 10-15 min, dengan api yg sedang perlahan. (not kuat & not slow).


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