Monday 16 April 2012

Simple Chocolate Cupcake

*3/4 cup plain flour
*1/4 cup cocoa
*2 tsp Baking Powder
* sift together (ayak)
3 eggs (small) or 2 A grade eggs
1/2 cup caster sugar
1/2 tsp coffee essence.
80g butter (1/3 cup)
1/2 cup milk

Beat butter & sugar till white, then put in the egg, beat for 5 min. then put in the rest of the ingredient. Pre heat oven 160-170 C. Pour batter yg siap into cupcake cup. Then bake for 20 min.

Friday 24 February 2012


Today's recipie is Apam Lady Bird. Been trying to perfect my Apam ladybird for the 8th time.. Banyak masalah di hadapi.. hihihi... contoh...
1. Muka berjerawat(a.k.a belupak2 becoz of air bubble)
2. Not kembang( a.k.a bantat)
3. Karas (a.k.a kanyal) ( Belum ada solution) ( Found suggestion, from other blog, tuk kurang kan tepung supaya ia lembut. Will try next project.Insyaallah. UPDATED: KURANGKAN THE SUKATAN OF TEPUNG FROM 2 1/2 CUPS >>> TO 2CUPS +1 TBSP + 2 TSP

Solution( Maybe mujarab)
For 1. I use tepung Hong Kong instead of tepung gandum biasa, ,maybe ia tah my apam lots of air bubble.causing berlubang the end product. After using tepung gandum biasa, baru tah lawa.
For 2. Follow my cara di bawah krg. Me ikut cara most blog, that is masukkan semua bahan then di pukul.---  i think the telur inda kana bagi chance mengambang  if mix all together, hence apam bantat. This only my 2 cents lah.
For 3. The Apam using the recipe for me is a bit liat or kanyal, but if compare with yg di jual org at FB & di mana2 sedakah yg ku makan , sama plang rasa kanyal nya atu...

3 Eggs (From Fridge)
275g / << I use  2CUPS +1 TBSP + 2 TSP Tepung gandum
220g / 1 Cups Sugar << 1 use 150g saja.
3 tsp Baking Powder
1 Tsp Overlette
150ml Fresh Milk / Susu Cair
1 -2 Caps Vanilla Essence

Acuan Lompang & Papercup Mini

Filling (Apa saja idaman kalbu, or apa yg tedapat di esbok. ) & Pewarna of your Likings.

Beat the eggs, overlette & sugar hingga kembang about 5-7 mins. Then masukkan tepung , susu, vanilla, baking powder. Beat at high speed for another 8 min. Then divide the adunan according to color yg akan di pakai. As for me for ladybird i use 3. 1 plain , 1red & 1 Brown<< no black color, if ada, will be more lawa my apam ladybird.
For fillings, refer picture below.(I use kaya)

Note: Your Pengukus Panaskan sedia , before u masukkan your adunan dalam cupcake  cup, just the right timings. By the time siap for kukus, your pengukus will be boiling dah. Kukus your Apam  in 10-15 min, dengan api yg sedang perlahan. (not kuat & not slow).


Sunday 5 February 2012

Baked Oreo Cheesecake

Today is my first trial baking " Baked Oreo Cheesecake". Mudahan... nada masalah, as my tabiat is to modified org punya recipie mengikut tahap kerajinan. :)
Ok Here goes....


16 Biscuit Oreo ( Asing kan the inti)
(Total Oreo is 2 packet)
70g Butter

500g (2 Box) Cream cheese
140g Sugar + Filling of Oreo yg di asing kan
1 tsp vanilla essence
250g (1box UHT) Whipped cream
110g (1 small tub) Yogurt <~~ optional
60ml (1/4 cup) Fresh Milk
 4 Eggs
20g (1 1/2 Tbl ) Tepung Gandum
12 Oreo biscuits (Asing the fillings)

10 Steps how to...

1.Loyang di lapis dengan Aluminium Foil,( supaya senang lift the cake later on). Mine is ala kadar because kehabisan foil.
2.Kisar / hancur kan the Oreo cookies without fillings, then add in the melted.

Note: Amount of Oreo can be adjusted for thicker base. Mine is thin because tak cukup Oreo biscuits. Next time must buy 3 packet instead of 2).
3.Spread the end mixture into the loyang & put it in the refrigerator for cooling.

Preheat the oven 160 C. Sediakan Water Bath.
Beat the followings:
4.Creamcheese ( dice kecil2 supaya senang).
5.Then gula + Oreo fillings & Tepung.
6.Milk & Vanilla Essence.
7.Eggs ( I Beat first then Pour )
8.Whipped cream & Yogurt.
9.Oreo ( Kisar Kasar)
10.Masuk Loyang & baked. Time not sure depending on the cake, if its not ready set additional tome before the timer done, so as the oven is still the same temperature. First try baking for 60 min. If its ready, leave it in the oven with door close for 15 min, then Let it cool for another 15 min outside the oven. Then chill it in the fridge. To taste if its ready or not, cucuk with a skewer, if its still runny(a.k.a basah) bake another 15 min. or until cooked.

The end product... Alhamdulillah, no unwanted incidents. Nyum.... nyum...

To my sister Ayai & Lalah .... Slurp..... nyam..... if mau... sila buat sendiri... Jan malas...

Thursday 26 January 2012

Kek Kukus Mata Kucing

Recipe Kek Mata Kucing ni, SalM ambil from .
SalM guna 1/2 ingredient je.


  • 225g Mentega
  • 70g Sugar
  • 5 Egg Gred A / B
  • 190g susu pekat manis ( 1/2 tin kecil)
  • 100g serikaya
  • 100g horlicks(1/2 packet kecil)
  • 170g tepung hongkong/Tepung gandum
  • 1 sudu teh esen vanilla
  • 1/2 botol browning sugar (50g)
3 Steps Directions

1- Pukul Mentega & sugar hingga putih (2) .
3.Masukkan telur satu persatu
4. Serikaya, susu manis, horlick.
5.Tepung Hong Kong or Tepung gandum & esen vanilla.
6.Lastly browning sugar.

2.KUKUS: Panaskan pengukus before you beat the ingredient and gris loyang dengan mentega & tepung supaya kek tak lekat pada loyang. Kukus for 3-4 hours.(If kek di makan untuk 2-3 days, cukup kukus for 2hr or hingga masak)<<-- From KakHasue, SalM ikut je, maklum lah buak baru belajar.I just kukus for 2 jam, sekejap abis coz my son makan for bekal Sekolah everyday.

Sorry, SalM lupa snap pic yg pour in the loyang.
3.SEJUKKAN: After masak, let it sejuk for a wild before ngap ngap... Slurp..... nyam.. nyam... TQ hope you like the kek.

My second attempt to masak kek Mata Kucing :( tak hensem, kena wap air dari kukusan.
Anyway tetap sodap di makan...

LESSON LEARN: Before kukus, tutup loyang dengan aluminum foil untuk mengelakkan air kukusan menitis ke dalam kek. Contoh je macam gambar di atas, kehabisan aluminum foil. Another tips from other sisters, they kukus pakai plastic container putih yg pakai buang ( microwave safe) lagi senang dah ada penutup. Isi loyang half full saja, if 3/4 full, bila kek kembang akan kena aluminum foil cover.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Blueberry Cheese Cake (No baked cheesecake)

Original Recipie are from By Yani (Blueberry cheesecake)
My version:
80g Biskut Marie (14 biscuits)
40g Melted Mentega  (Butter)

250g cream cheese (1 box PHILADELPHIA)
30g gula (Sugar)
4 Tsp Madu (Honey)
60g plain yogurt ( i use 110g coz tak nak buang lebihan )
70g Fresh Milk
3 Tsp gelatin (Halal)- dissolved in 1/2 cup boiling water
125g Nestle cream

2 Tblsp lemon juice ( Kalau tak de Lemon boleh guna Limau Kasturi)
70g Blueberry Fillings ( Can use any prefered Flavour)

Castor sugar 2tsp
Boiling water 100ml
Powdered gelatine (Halal) 3/4Tbsp
Bluberry Fillings 150g

4 Steps Directions

1) Mix: Biscuits crumbs with melted butter and press into base pan. Chill. (Masuk peti ais, not the beku yea...)

First step to make the biscuit crumbs
2nd step ( Masukkan biscuit in the plastic bag , tumbuk hingga hancur then gaul with the melted butter).
3rd step (Press into base hingga padat then sejukkan)

2)Beat: Beat the cream cheese with an electric beater until smooth, then masukkan nestle cream,gula dan madu.Pukul sekejap then mix in the rest, fresh milk , yogurt, gelatine , & Kasturi juice.Last is the jem.

Beat CreamCheese


Dissolved Gelatine
 3)Pour: Pour onto crumb base and chill in the refrigerator (3-4hrs or best overnight). 
Base is covered with alum. foil for easier transfer.
Chill base
Pour the end product onto crumb base.

Final steps after overnight is Ngap... Ngap... ( Serve & Eat ). Enjoy.. Before that; If you want to put the topping, Chill the cheesecake for atleast 2-3 hours.

Step 1: Guna butter knife supaya the topping tak lekat kat loyang , pabila
loyang di buka, if not the topping koyak.

How to prepare the gelatine topping:
Mix gelatine powder with boiling water.(Stir it) .

Before step 4. make sure gelatin tu betul2 dissolve.

NOTE: SERVE WHILE CHILL, (my experience after my daughter leftover, after a while on the table it melts. Is it normal? Tak tau... Or it it because tak ikut the real sukatan. :))

Taste: Yumm.(not so sweet) but suggestion is add sugar to the base mix if using biskut marie, if using biskut yg dah manis, tak payah letak gula. 

SalM has left a new comment on the post "Resepi Chilled Blueberry Yoghurt Cheesecake":

Salam chef zack, nak tanya.. Is it normal kalau no bake cheesecake , kalau di biar kan kat luar(out dari peti ais)lama- lama akan cair. Coz mine,(resipi from other sisters) mencair. TQ 

Zack Zachoes has left a new comment on the post "Resepi Chilled Blueberry Yoghurt Cheesecake":

w'salam, yes it's normal kalau chilled cheesecake akan cair pd suhu bilik lama2. kdg2 kuantiti cecair dgn cream cheese dan gelatin pn boleh mempengaruhi. wallahu 'alam